Monday 24 August 2015

Eugenie Grobler - singer-songwriter (and cook)

Eugenie Grobler is a singer-songwriter and facilitator of learning journeys. She and Anni Snyman are interested in collaboration across disciplines and have been sharing a creative process with each other for more than a decade.  One of these collaborations centred round the concept of the discipline of creative disobedience, which was part of where the conceptualization and eventual creation of the Snake Eagle Thinking Path sprang. As part of the Snake Eagle Thinking Path team, she travelled to Matjiesfontein on three occasions to help in laying down the grids, “sweeping” the path and cooking delicious meals for the hungry team.  

 Eugenie cooking up a storm!

Eugenie tells us the many and varied reasons she chose to be part of the process. “I am deeply concerned about the threat of fracking in the Karoo. I personally believe that our collective myths need to shift before our actions in the world can change. One way to view the Snake Eagle is as a symbolic manifestation of an alternative myth of what it means to be in and with the world. In some traditions the snake is associated with potent transformation, the shedding of outworn identities, death and rebirth … The eagle is associated with bringing vision, the ability to see what has not yet come to fruition, but beckons as potential on the horizon.  

      “Given the current state of the world, I find the need to connect and collaborate with others around a shared vision as I ponder the question: ‘How does one respond to a world on the brink of ecological disaster?’ It’s also wonderful to swop a computer for a broomstick to sweep a path on the land and be part of the process of making something of beauty that holds personal meaning.”

The very talented Eugenie Grobler will be performing her show ‘Dis Tyd / It’s Time’ in Matjiesfontein on the evening of 5 September, as one of the launch events for the Snake Eagle Thinking Path. We’re really looking forward to the show!

 #Site_SpecificGeoglyphs  #KarooGeoglyphs  #SnakeEagleThinkingPath #Matjiesfontein

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